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CHWMEG, Inc. members have realized cost savings of over US$84 million (click link below for details)! The savings results from CHWMEG members "pooling" their funds to cover costs of CHWMEG's facility reviews of waste/recycling suppliers world-wide.
Four (4) members have saved over US$2 million each. Seventeen (17) members have saved over US$1 million each. Fifty-two (52) members have saved over US$500,000 each. One hundred fifty-eight (158) members have each saved over US$100,000 each. Please contact the administrator at telno +1 (412) 826-3056 if you have any questions regarding these cost savings.
Members (Current = 314)
Affiliates (Current = 644)
Each year as of January 1
"Affiliates" = wholly-owned subsidiaries and eligible Joint Ventures of current CHWMEG Full Member companies.
Sole-sponsor Adds (credit eligible)
Sole-sponsor Adds (credit ineligible)
Via noms & coms
Current number of facilities = 265
Height of bar = number of facilities reviewed in the CHWMEG facility review program (FRP)
Blue portion = number of facilities added through noms + coms (initial common member interest)
ENTIRE Green portion = number of facility reviews added to the FRP through sole sponsor (SS) additions
Average Cost to Conduct in North America (2025 = $3,320)
"Shared Cost" Member Commitment (2025 = $925)
Average Cost to Conduct: Average cost per North American facility review conducted.
Average Cost to Conduct Outside North America (2025 = $4,327)
"Shared Cost" Member Commitment (2025 = $1,700)
Average Cost to Conduct: Average cost per non-North American facility review conducted.
Annual Fees (2025 = $2,500)
For new members, annual fees are pro-rated by quarter.