CHWMEG, Inc. has evolved to become a central source of valuable risk information concerning individual waste treatment/disposal and recycling service providers world-wide. The members of CHWMEG exclusively represent manufacturing and similar industrial organizations; college, university, and research institutions; and individual government installations.

The activities of CHWMEG's member organizations result in the production of spent materials or wastes from their services or activities. After exhausting available reduce, reuse, or recycle opportunities, CHWMEG's members are interested in using the best-performing service providers for recycling and treatment/disposal services.

The CHWMEG Board of Directors reviews new member applications during their monthly meetings. Approved organizations are assessed the annual calendar-year basis membership fee (pro-rated quarterly for those joining after January). Members separately pay for the CHWMEG facility review reports which support their own individual environmental management programs and stewardship efforts.

CHWMEG members are concerned about their environmental footprint and are actively working to responsibly reduce the risk associated with managing their wastes and recyclables.


Learn more or to request membership application materials


How does membership work within an organization?

CHWMEG membership is structured to allow for the extension of member benefits to any affiliate (wholly-owned subsidiary or eligible joint venture) of the legal named member entity, at no additional cost. There is no limit to the number of additionally- participating affiliates, and there is no limit to the number of website users included for the annual fee.

CHWMEG membership can be coordinated to support an entire enterprise, embedded within an organization with membership restricted to a single subsidiary, or organized with access limited to specific affiliates. Membership structure can be adjusted, as need, to meet the dynamic conditions common in today's global markets.