Cascade Eco Minerals

Waxahachie, TX, USA

a.k.a./f.k.a.:Dlubak Glass Texas
CHWMEG Report Number:H1196.0
*Location Map:Google Maps
Review Program
(Visit Date):

There is 1 more review conducted prior to 2020 not shown.
Description of Services:The facility is a used bottle glass, automotive and plate glass, and architectural glass processor. Processing of glass involves three picking stations to remove large debris; a feed hopper to a conveyor to a crusher, additional conveyors, and rotary magnetic units to remove metals, paper, plastics; shaker screen; finish product conveyor belt; final sorting through finish piles to remove any other debris that is observed.
Description Date:2012 Facility Review Program
Facility Location Map:

*CHWMEG, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of the maps. Maps are for informational purposes only. The latitude and longitude for this map are from the most recent CHWMEG facility review.
CHWMEG's facility reviews assist its members with the management of their environmental / waste stewardship, sustainability, corporate responsibility programs. These are essential elements of any valid environmental, social justice, governance (E, S, G or ESG) initiatives.