Abington Reldan Metals, LLC

Fairless Hills, PA, USA

a.k.a./f.k.a.:Reldan Metals
CHWMEG Report Number:H1096.4
Member Interest:This facility is currently being tracked by 14 members
(Member interest is not related to how many members use this facility.)
*Location Map:Google Maps
Review Program
(Visit Date):
2023 (5/22/2023)
There are 4 more reviews conducted prior to 2020 not shown.
EPA ID:PAR000521294
Description of Services:The facility processes a variety of incoming streams to recover precious metals (mostly gold, silver, and platinum). The incoming streams consist of e-scrap, sterling silver, gold-plated objects and ornaments, jewelry scrap, and industrial parts that contain or are coated by precious metals. The largest volume by weight of incoming material is e-scrap, which is regulated in Pennsylvania as a state Residual Waste.
Description Date:2023 Facility Review Program
Facility Location Map:

*CHWMEG, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of the maps. Maps are for informational purposes only. The latitude and longitude for this map are from the most recent CHWMEG facility review.
CHWMEG's facility reviews assist its members with the management of their environmental / waste stewardship, sustainability, corporate responsibility programs. These are essential elements of any valid environmental, social justice, governance (E, S, G or ESG) initiatives.