Canadian Liquids Processors

Hamilton, ON, Canada

a.k.a./f.k.a.:No known alias
CHWMEG Report Number:H2611.0
Member Interest:This facility is currently being tracked by 1 member
(Member interest is not related to how many members use this facility.)
*Location Map:Google Maps
Review Program
(Visit Date):
2024 (6/11/2024)
Description of Services:The facility is a waste processing and materials recovery facility that specializes in managing liquid food and beverage waste (primarily alcohol and sugar based liquid goods) as well as other related consumer product wastes resulting from manufacturing overruns, stale dates, or product recalls. The facility conducts product destruction (primarily using crushing methods) and packaging material recycling (glass cullet processing, and cardboard, plastic, metal separation and bulking for off-site transfer).
Description Date:2024 Facility Review Program
Facility Location Map:

*CHWMEG, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of the maps. Maps are for informational purposes only. The latitude and longitude for this map are from the most recent CHWMEG facility review.
CHWMEG's facility reviews assist its members with the management of their environmental / waste stewardship, sustainability, corporate responsibility programs. These are essential elements of any valid environmental, social justice, governance (E, S, G or ESG) initiatives.